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The Best Sexually Enlightening Movies of All Time

Regardless of the themes and theories, movies attempt to explore different genres. For that reason, movies that are based on sexuality and sex are aplenty. Some of such movies which carry sexual themes are regarded as true classics.

For this reason, in this post, we’re attempting to list all those movies that have considered classics not only in the genre—sex, that is—but also in cinema. So read on straight, lesbian or gay fuck buddies who happen to be cinephiles as well.

The Graduate

This film has the theme of an older woman; in this film, you’ll find a matured seductress and a young lover. We’d recommend everyone this film to see this flick for Dustin Hoffman as the actor had given the finest performances of his life.

Belle de Joul

The theme this film carries is of unfulfilled sexuality along with prostitution. The female protagonist is an unapproachable and a frigid figure for her husband; she has submitted to boredom because of her dissatisfied, plain sexual life. For compensation, she begins prostituting herself; because that’s the only medium through which she can explore her unexplored dirty side.


Here, the theme is of younger women. The film has a matured man who’s obsessed with a teenaged female. The title of the film became so famous that, now, it’s used to describe younger ladies who’re in such relations. For Lolita, we’d sum the entire flick in one word which is “tasteful”.

Boogie Nights

This film is particularly interesting as it carries the theme of the pornography industry. This film has its own light moments that have managed to give a laugh to the audiences. This movie explores the role and the rise of Dirk Diggler, too.

So that’s it for now, people. We’d recommend all these flicks more because such exceptional knowledge about sexually oriented films will help you to find a fuck buddy easily.

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